Five Activities to Develop Creativity in Students

5 Activities to Develop Creativity in Students

Five Activities to Develop Creativity in Students

Activities to develop creativity in students

In a rapidly evolving world, creativity is an indispensable skill for students. By encouraging creative thinking, educators can empower students to navigate challenges, explore innovative solutions, and express themselves authentically. In this post, we will explore five activities to develop creativity in students in students, with a special emphasis on role play, creative writing, and art. Let’s dive in!

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Activities to Develop Creativity in Students #1: Role Play

Role play is a dynamic tool that fosters empathy, critical thinking, and imagination. By assuming different perspectives, students can explore diverse viewpoints and develop a deeper understanding of the world around them. Assigning roles from historical figures, literary characters, or even everyday occupations, allows students to delve into the mindset of someone else. This activity enhances their creativity by encouraging them to think from different angles and create unique narratives.

For example, students could engage in a role-play activity centered around the American Revolution. By assigning roles such as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, or common citizens, students can imagine the motivations and dilemmas faced by different participants in this pivotal event. 

This could potentially work through the realms of historical dramas as well. If you have students act out a drama or a play that they are potentially familiar with for instance Hamilton. That will make the learning more fun and they will get the creativity boost of role-playing. 

Activities to Develop Creativity in Students #2: Creative Writing

Creative writing is a powerful outlet for students to express their thoughts, emotions, and ideas in a personalized and imaginative way. Encouraging students to write stories, poems, or even journal entries can unlock their creativity by tapping into their unique perspectives and inner worlds. Writing prompts can spark their imagination and inspire them to explore new concepts, settings, and characters.

In my Mastering Essay Writing Part 1 class, we spend the first week diving into creative writing to ease students into the essay-writing world with a fun and imaginative essay. I have found that creative writing opens the doors and students that struggle with writing can still have fun and engage with writing in a creative way. I also cover creative writing prompts in my ongoing essay writing class in October and May. 

Activities to Develop Creativity in Students #3: Art

Art provides a sensory and visual medium for students to explore their creativity. Whether through drawing, painting, sculpting, or mixed media, art allows students to communicate their ideas and emotions in a nonverbal and abstract manner. Engaging in art activities nurtures their ability to think visually, experiment with different materials, and embrace ambiguity and open-endedness.

Students could participate in a collaborative art project. Each student begins a piece, and after a set time, they rotate and add to someone else’s artwork. This activity encourages students to embrace spontaneity, collaborate with peers, and incorporate different artistic styles and ideas. Through this process, students learn to adapt, take risks, and appreciate the beauty of diverse perspectives.

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Activities to Develop Creativity in Students #4: Class Discussion

Classroom discussions provide a platform for students to engage in intellectual discourse, express their opinions, and challenge conventional thinking. By creating a safe and inclusive environment, teachers can foster an atmosphere where students feel encouraged to share their unique insights and explore alternative viewpoints. These discussions cultivate critical thinking, problem-solving, and the ability to communicate effectively.

Students could engage in a Socratic seminar. This structured discussion format allows students to analyze complex concepts, question assumptions, and defend their arguments with evidence and reasoning. By exploring diverse perspectives and challenging their own beliefs, students develop the creative capacity to think critically and consider new possibilities.

Class discussion can also happen when students work together or are able to share their work with the class. I have found that the best way to do that is through an easy creative writing project. Normally they are low-pressure and kids want to share their stories with one another because they are excited about them. A great activity that I have for this is my Build a Treat Writing Activity in order to grab your copy of it sign up for my email list by clicking the picture below. 

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Activities to Develop Creativity in Students #5: Cross-Disciplinary Projects

Integrating creativity across various subjects and disciplines can inspire students to make connections, think holistically, and approach problems from multiple angles. Cross-disciplinary projects encourage collaboration, problem-solving, and the application of knowledge in real-world contexts. By engaging students in these projects, teachers promote creativity by fostering interdisciplinary thinking and innovation.

Students could participate in a project where they design and build a sustainable city. This project integrates science principles such as energy conservation and environmental impact with math concepts like budgeting and measurement. By combining their knowledge and applying creativity, students explore innovative solutions for a real-world challenge, fostering a deeper understanding of both subjects.


Nurturing creativity in students is a fundamental aspect of education in the 21st century. By incorporating activities such as role-play, creative writing, and art, educators can ignite the creative spark within their students. These activities empower students to explore their imagination, think critically, embrace diverse perspectives, and develop innovative solutions. Through these endeavors, we can inspire the next generation of creative thinkers and problem solvers, ready to tackle the challenges and opportunities of the future.

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