What are the Five Different Types of Essays When we think of essay writing, our mind conjures up images of long lectures and a professor asking us to write about a specific topic in 500 words or less. However, …

What are the Five Different Types of Essays When we think of essay writing, our mind conjures up images of long lectures and a professor asking us to write about a specific topic in 500 words or less. However, …
How to Write Essays Faster on Exams If you’re in school, you probably have to take exams from time to time. They can be scary, especially if they require essay answers instead of multiple-choice or true/false questions. The problem …
How to Plan Writing an Essay with Doodle Notes How to plan writing an essay is an important question that everyone that has written an essay has asked themselves at some time in their lives. As teachers teaching students how …
Strategies for Developing Writing Skills I don’t know about you but most of my students struggle with writing skills. Many of them come to me because they need some help with writing. I actually made an Instagram reel about this …