Thanksgiving Activities for School

Thanksgiving Activities for School 

As the month of November is around the corner, Thanksgiving activities for school may be on your mind. Maybe you are trying to make your classroom a little more festive this year or just trying to see the best activities that you can incorporate into your classroom to make learning fun for your students as they are getting a bit restless because winter break is right around the corner. This means that you might be having a bigger focus on classroom management. However, in my experience the easiest way to manage your classroom is to have activities that the students are so engrossed in. That way they do not have time to act up because they are focused on what they are doing. 

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Thanksgiving Activities for School  #1 Boom Cards 

If you follow a lot of my blogs you know that I mention boom cards a lot. Truthfully, I mention them so much because they are amazing. They can be used for so many different things in the classroom (math centers, group work, ipad and computer time etc). They also are perfect for homework and can be easily assigned through the boom learning platform 

Thanksgiving Multiplication Drills 

One set of boom cards that I pull out every year when I am thinking about Thanksgiving activities for School is my Thanksgiving Multiplication Drills Boom Cards. These boom cards are thanksgiving themed with some very cute Thanksgiving and fall clip art. Students will also be able to master their multiplication for 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, or 10-12 depending on which deck you are working on or you can grab all of them and make sure that your students are learning all their multiplication tables. Students will be able to pick the correct answer out of three and get direct feedback on if they are wrong or not, and you as a teacher will be able to see reports on what questions that students got wrong on the first try. This way you know if they are guessing or what items they don’t really know that way you can practice with those students more. There also are sections that have multiplication tables that students have to fill in which will really allow you to know if students know their multiplication tables. 

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Thanksgiving Activities for School #2 Thanksgiving Writing Prompts 

            Another great activity to do during Thanksgiving time is Thanksgiving writing prompts. I have found that writing prompts are super important for helping emerging writers learn more about how to write, and they also help make them really proficient writers. I enjoy doing writing prompts daily with my classes. In the past the students that I have tutored have really benefited from daily practice of their writing.  These help them with their creative writing and also lets them be better storytellers. Writing prompts can also help you as a teacher to know more about your students because what they write about can give you insight into what they like, and therefore help you write lesson plans based on their interests. 

            During the fall, I get my writing prompts from my fall journal prompts. There are several prompts in that product that can be used during the thanksgiving season. All of them will have your students writing and will give you some insight in their lives. 

            Another thing that you can do with writing prompts is to help students learn a sense of gratefulness and thankfulness during this season. You can have them write about the things they are thankful for. Then have students share and see if people are grateful for the same things. In fact, there should be many Thanksgiving activities for school that you are using to foster gratefulness in your students during Thanksgiving time. This is why I have created 5 ways that you can foster thankfulness with your kids for my subscribers. To get this list you can become a subscriber below. 

Thanksgiving Activities for School Optin

Thanksgiving Activities for School #3 Thanksgiving Coloring Pages 

            Another great activity for the month of November is Thanksgiving coloring pages. These are perfect to have for students that finish early. They can also be great transition activity items for students to transition into learning at the beginning of the day or even when they come back after lunch. Coloring pages are also really helpful during class parties. If you are having a Thanksgiving party this is something that students can do. Also, they will make sure that you have something to do before Thanksgiving break which is fun because sometimes it is hard for kids to focus right before a break. 

Thanksgiving Activities for School #4 Thanksgiving Bulletin Boards 

Another one of the great Thanksgiving activities for school that you can do is Thanksgiving bulletin boards. You could make a thankfulness tree where the leaves are things that your students are thankful for. You could do a similar thing with a turkey and have his feathers contain those things. 

A Thanksgiving meal is also a great idea for a bulletin board. Either students can write about their favorite thanksgiving meal and draw a picture of it. You can also have them show a picture of them eating that item etc. Maybe title it what we are eating for Thanksgiving. 

Whatever you decide to do for a Thanksgiving bulletin board to make it a great Thanksgiving activity by including your students in it, and make sure that they have a say in how the board looks in the end. 

Thanksgiving Activities for School #5 Thanksgiving Polls and Surveys  

Last in my list of Thanksgiving activities for school is Thanksgiving polls and surveys. This is a great activity to teach students how to read data like bar graphs and pie graphs. It is also a time that you can teach students how to conduct a survey and the importance of making sure you have the right demographic for the data you are trying to show. 

Thanksgiving Activities for School Infographic

To do this you can conduct your own surveys in your class, maybe what are people’s favorite Thanksgiving food. You could also ask what students are planning to do over Thanksgiving break. Then students can conduct their own survey for homework by asking the same questions to other students or to their friends and family members outside of school. This will allow students to learn about how to work with data and how to conduct surveys. 

I hope that this post was useful to you and that you can use some of these Thanksgiving activities for school in your classrooms. If you found this post useful please consider sharing it. 

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