Using Manipulatives to Teach Elementary Math 

Using Manipulatives to Teach Elementary Mathematics  

Using Manipulatives to Teach Elementary Mathematics  

Using Manipulatives to Teach Elementary Math 

With elementary school students, hands-on learning is one of the most important things that we can do to help students actually have real learning experiences. If kids are having real learning experiences they are more likely to actually remember the concepts that they are trying to learn. Using manipulatives to teach elementary mathematics is one of the best ways that you can create these hands-on experiences. 

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Why manipulatives are useful 

As I said above manipulatives are very useful for hands-on learning. It is an easy way to make math hands-on. Manipulatives also are perfect for students who struggle in math. If they are able to use the manipulatives they will be able to see the math better and that will usually help them understand it in ways that just explaining it or writing things down will not do. Manipulatives are also helpful for teaching elementary mathmathmatics because they help students visualize math. If students can see the math they are more likely to understand it. 

Base Ten Blocks 

Base ten blocks are the most common types of math manipulatives and can be used for a number of mathematical concepts. I really enjoy using base ten blocks to teach place value, basic operations, and fractions. 

Place value is in many ways built into base ten blocks. Most have a set of  hundreds, a set of tens, and a set of ones. You can then also use these same blocks to show place value with decimals. The hundred blocks become ones the tens rods are tenths, lastly, the one blocks stand for the hundredth place. You can use these also to model addition in the same way.

How to teach multiplication to struggling students  

Addition is a great way to use base ten blocks. Not only can they be used for counting but you can use the different place values to add numbers up to three digits. You can also add decimals as well to get those concepts with base ten blocks. Subtraction can be done in much the same way. In fact, I like subtraction even more because the act of removing base ten blocks will help students model the act of subtraction and can help students understand a lot better. Which as a teacher is definitely why you should be using manipulatives to teach elementary mathematics. 

Multiplication is another math concept where you should be using manipulatives to teach elementary mathematics. I love to use the one blocks in order to create different groups or arrays. You can also model multiplication in the same way as addition or subtraction. Overall, base ten blocks are very versatile and can do many different things with thm when it comes to teaching elementary mathematics. 

Base ten blocks are also great for modling fractions.  You can draw a line on paper then students will place base ten blocks above and below the line to model different fractions. Students can add, subtract, multiply or divide with the fractions that they have modeled. 

Ten Frames 

Ten frames are another type of manipulative that are very helpful for teaching elementary math. Ten frames are really helpful for addition and subtraction. If you use one ten frame you can teach kids to add and subtract within 20. Multiple ten frames can be used to represent larger sums and differences. There are two main colors of discs that are used with ten frames red and yellow. Students can also use other things to fill in the ten frames like mini erasers. 

As a teacher, you can also use digital ten frames and have pictures that students drag. It would even be fun to have different images, discs, erasers, etc for the different times of the year. 

You can also use ten frames to help students count to 100. I have a count to 100 sheet in my Ultimate Multiplication Toolkit which is free to my subscribers to grab this freebie and become a subscriber click on the image below and fill out the form. 

The Ultimate Multiplication Toolkit Subscribe Button

Fractions Bars and Circles 

fraction circles

            Truthfully these may be my favorite Manipulatives. They are colorful, they are perfectly sized to show equivalent fractions, and overall are the best for teaching fractions. These manipulatives make it so easy to see equivalent fractions. If students are able to recognize equivalent fractions that will help them for finding common denominators which then will help them add and subtract fractions. 

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Mini erasers 

            Next for using manipulatives to teach elementary mathematics you basically just need a vault of mini erasers. You can get these at many different places target usually has some in their dollar section at different times during the year. This will allow you to get seasonal mini erasers because who doesn’t love celebrating Christmas, Halloween, Easter, Valentines etc with some cute mini erasers and your kids will love them.  I also got a variety pack at Micheals that had a lot of different ones my students love playing with them and using them to learn different math concepts. 

mini erasers

Counting Bears 

Counting bears are perfect for younger grades in elementary school. They definitely have to be a part of your plan for using manipulatives to teach elementary mathematics. For little kids counting bears are perfect for just as their name suggests counting. You can also teach patterns to students using counting bears. The bears are different colors and that will also help with pattern formations. 

Also since it is a counting item you can use them for any basic operations. They are perfect for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Older elementary kids however may not like the counting bears as much. So I would stick to the younger grades when you are using counting bears as manipulatives to teach elementary math. 

Popsicle Sticks 

Popsicle sticks are the next item on my list of manipulatives to use to teach elementary mathematics. I personally love popsicle sticks and cups to teach subtraction with regrouping. Students can go next door or to the cup next to them and borrow and bundle of sticks. You would need to bundle them into groups of ten. Then they can bring it to the cup they are currently on to subtract. I find that students definitely understand subtraction better when they can work with popsicle sticks in cups for regrouping. 

Pattern Blocks 

When I was a kindergartener and first-grader I loved pattern blocks. I loved to just see how they fit together. I loved to see what shapes could make the same type of shapes as other blocks but give it a nice style. Overall, pattern blocks are great when using manipulatives to teach elementary mathematics. These will teach kids shapes, symmetry, fractions, spatial reasoning, and picture recognition. Plus pattern blocks are just meant to be played.  Many of the things above can be taught through simple play and as teachers you do not have to say much for students to be absorbing concepts. 

pattern blocks

Digital Manipulatives

The Internet has also made it amazing that many of the manipulatives that we could have in person are also available online. My favorite website is toy theater. There are also a lot of great sources for manipulative clip art on places like TPT that you can incorporate into your lessons. 


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