When should you start studying for the SAT?

When Should You Start Studying for the SAT?

When Should You Start Studying for the SAT

When should you start studying for the SAT?

The SAT is a critical test for prospective college students that can have an impact on their admissions chances. In recent years many colleges have dropped the requirement for the SAT for admission, but have still considered it for scholarships. Overall, the SAT also just shows how prepared you are for college. It’s not an easy exam and requires a lot of preparation and practice to be able to score well. It is recommended that students start preparing for the SAT as early as possible, preferably during their sophomore year of high school. Why? Here are some reasons why you should start studying for the SAT right now.

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When Should You Start Studying for the SAT #1:

The Long Track: A Year Before

Although the idea of studying for the SAT feels like a distant future, you’ll be surprised at how quickly time will pass when you are studying for the SAT. If you are a sophomore in high school, you have about a year to study for the SAT. If you start studying for the SAT early, you will have enough time to correct your mistakes and review the concepts that you need to improve on. You also will not feel pressure or stress when the test actually comes because you were practicing for so long and you know exactly what you need to do. I believe that success begins early, so I think this is the best time to study for the SAT.

There are many ways to study for the SAT. You can write practice tests, attend classes, read books, or follow online test prep courses. These resources will help you build your skills and improve your confidence. Most importantly, you’ll be able to identify your weaknesses and work on them right away.

When Should You Start Studying for the SAT #2

The Average Track: Three Months Before

If you are currently a junior in high school, you have about three months to study for the SAT. If you have a ton of homework, extracurricular activities, and other academics that take up your time, then you may want to start studying for the SAT during your summer vacation. This way, you’ll have enough time to prepare for the SAT and won’t have to worry about scheduling conflicts. This can be the best time to start studying for the SAT since you will have fewer commitments to worry about. You’ll have more time to study and can dedicate more hours to preparing for the SAT. You can also take advantage of free SAT practice exams that are offered by colleges and universities.

This is the timetable that most students end up using to study for the SAT. This is why I have created some group classes for SAT prep with this timeline in mind. In these classes, you will learn about every aspect of the test, do practice tests, and improve your reading, writing, and math skills to make sure you can get the best score possible. I have two class formats one with live classes that meet at a set time weekly to learn together on the SAT. The other is a self-driven class where you will be able to do the weekly practice and get feedback on the activities while working at your own pace. To sign up for these classes click here. 

Link to the Mastering SAT class on Outschool

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When Should You Start Studying for the SAT 3

The Fast Track: One Month Before

If you are a senior in high school, you have about one month to study for the SAT. This may seem like a very short time, but don’t worry! You can still be able to score well on the SAT. The key here is to make sure that you don’t procrastinate. Make sure to set up a study plan for yourself and stick to it. If you have been putting off studying for the SAT this long, then you probably won’t be able to catch up with your prep. It is better to start studying for the SAT now than to do nothing and regret it later. Don’t feel overwhelmed by the idea of studying for the SAT. It may seem like a daunting task, but you can easily get yourself ready for the exam with a little dedication and effort.

If you only have a month left then you have to be strategic about what you are focusing on. At this point, you should focus on the practice test and familiarizing yourself with the questions that the test is asking you. If you are interested in private tutoring to help you prepare for the test you can contact me by email and we can get started to make sure you can have as much studying time as you can during this month.

Study schedule for a week and month picture

When Should you Start Studying for the SAT #4:

The Last-Minute Track: One Week Before

If you feel like you haven’t prepared for the SAT and have little to no time left before the exam, don’t panic. You can still be able to do well on the exam if you start studying right away. You may not be able to achieve a high score, but you will be able to get a decent mark on the exam. The key here is to not procrastinate and to work as hard as you can. You will need to be setting aside hours every day to get the practice that you need. You may also have to sacrifice some of your other commitments to be able to study for the exam and finish your prep in time. It won’t be easy, but if you want to get a decent score on the exam, then it’s worth it.


The SAT is an important exam for college admissions, so it’s smart to start studying for it as early as possible. If you start studying for the SAT early, you’ll have enough time to correct mistakes and review concepts that you need to improve on. However, you can still score well if you start studying for the SAT one month before. If you want to be able to score well on the SAT, you need to make sure that you don’t procrastinate. You also need to make sure that you have a study plan and a schedule that you are following. If you want a study schedule planner I have one for free for my subscribers. To become a subscriber and receive this study schedule click on the link below.

SAT Study Schedule Lead Magnet

If you have been studying for a while and want to test your skills for the English portion of the exam check out my SAT Bowl: English Bundle.

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