Thanksgiving games for multiplication and division

Thanksgiving Games for Multiplication and Division

Thanksgiving Games for Multiplication and Division

Thanksgiving games for multiplication and division

Multiplication and division are essential math skills that kids will be tested on again and again. And, as we all know, practice makes perfect. These two concepts can also seem pretty tricky, especially for younger learners. They’re not quite like other math, in that there is no simple “trick” to remember how they work. But it’s also something that almost everyone has to learn at some point or another–even if they think they would never need to remember the multiplication tables again! If you feel like your kid is struggling with their multiplication and division skills this year, or just want to add a little fun into your day of test prep, these Thanksgiving games are the perfect way to do so.

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Thanksgiving Games for Multiplication and Division #1 Thanksgiving Multiplication Drills

You may have used multiplication drills when you were in school, but these are a great way to help kids really “get” multiplication. You may remember multiplication drills as being these timed drills that you either were great at or that were anxiety-riddled. I know that timed drills are not for everyone and the good news is that you don’t have to use timed drills the practice alone is going to help kids be better at their multiplication. Also, these multiplication drills are not your average multiplication drills.

My Thanksgiving multiplication drills are Boom Card multiplication drills that will have students practicing their 1-12 multiplication tables over four decks. Each deck comes with 40 Boom Cards to practice with. They are fully interactive, fully digital, and self-checking. Students will work through multiple choice questions and multiplication table-style questions. All with fun thanksgiving clipart as a backdrop.

You as a teacher or parent will be able to see what problems they are struggling with and where they need more practice and students will get direct feedback on the ones that they missed to help them self-correct and learn their multiplication tables faster.

Thanksgiving games for multiplication

These drills also can especially help kids who are having a hard time with division. If a student doesn’t fully understand multiplication, it can be much harder for them to understand division as well. If your child understands multiplication, they should also understand division, but just in a different way. The division problems will be in smaller pieces. This can be a great way to help kids understand division as well, especially if they’re having a hard time with it. These can be super helpful for kids who need more practice with multiplication. You could try doing just a few a day, or even just as a quick activity during the holiday break.

To grab this bundle of Thanksgiving Multiplication Drills click here to head to my Teachers Pay Teachers store.

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Thanksgiving Games for Multiplication and Division #2 Build a Scarecrow Long Division

Those who have never heard of this particular long-division variation might be tempted to dismiss it as being just a little silly. But it is a great way to help kids understand division. This activity will have students working on long division skills. They will answer 12 long division problems and the best thing about this activity is that it has built-in brain breaks. Once, students have answered three problems they will be able to build a scarecrow. They will have four chances to build scarecrows. This is really just a fun activity that has students show every part of the long division process so you can see exactly where students potentially don’t understand how to process goes.

If you would like to grab this activity you can buy it by clicking here and going to my Teachers Pay Teachers store.


Thanksgiving Games for Multiplication and Division #3 Thanksgiving Meal Math

This is always a favorite way to trick kids into getting some extra math practice while they are enjoying a delicious Thanksgiving dinner. You can assign each food on the menu a specific number value. You can also use the colors of the food to help kids remember what number to use for each item. For instance, if you want to assign numbers to a traditional Thanksgiving dinner, it might look like this: – Turkey = 2 – Mashed potatoes = 3 – Cranberry sauce = 1 – Green beans = 4 – Pumpkin pie = 5 – Bread = 6 etc. Then you can say what is bread divided by mashed potatoes and they would say Turkey. This is a fun way to get kids thinking about numbers and math while giving them something to do while they are waiting for dinner to be served. It can also be a good way to keep the kids busy while you are trying to get everything ready.

Also, you can have them help with putting together Thanksgiving dinner together. You can have them help prepare recipes and if they have to make the recipes bigger or smaller depending on how many people will be at the dinner. If students have to double recipes this is a great way to practice multiplying by two. If they have to take half of a recipe that will help with kids’ understanding by dividing by two. Overall, there are so many ways to incorporate multiplication and division in Thanksgiving meals.

Also, Thanksgiving meals are a perfect place to talk to your kids about what they are thankful for. I have a document that shows you exactly how to do that. This is available to my loyal subscribers. If you would like a copy of it click the image below to sign up for it and become a subscriber. 

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Thanksgiving is just around the corner and everyone is gearing up for another celebratory feast. However, if you are a math teacher trying to gear up for another round of testing, then you may be feeling a little overwhelmed! Fortunately, this fun and engaging Thanksgiving games can help you keep your students engaged while also helping them to master key math skills. I hope that you can put their Thanksgiving games above into practice.

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